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Amy's Story

Tw abuse, rape, suicide, self harm

In 2016 I was labelled with “EUPD” and since then I’ve had some fairly awful experiences.

All physical health issues were seen as attention seeking and some professionals even went as far as to imply I had munchausens syndrome. - my CPN even contacted my then GP without my knowledge or consent to say that I didn’t have physical issues

I found that I was denied any meaningful therapy as it wasn’t going to help me.

Having full time work was seen as being obstructive and difficult

I was told off for grieving too long after my late grandma passed away

I was accused of devaluing anyone I didn’t like

A psychiatrist called me a stupid little girl

I was denied crisis care and told that I was never actually ill.

I was accused of being too sexual

I was told I had made a choice to be raped by an old friend

The police were contacted without my knowledge or consent to confirm if I had any driving convictions

I was implied as being very manipulative in my notes

A second psychiatrist called me needy

A third psychiatrist told me that being child free is a sign of personality disorder as is not having many friends.

And I has all the usual gubbins about being told I had a choice about suicide, self harm, low mood.

I found that everything was twisted to make me look bad. Apparently I made a massive scene in the doctors surgery and that I was going to have to be escorted off the premises- the GP I saw confirmed this was not the case and that actually I was very ill, distressed, and in need of some support - I later found out that a certain CPN had become involved despite me voicing multiple times I didn’t want her involved in my care.

However, I don’t want to name her by recently I’ve had a really good GP who disagrees with EUPD as a concept and as such I’ve finally been given some proper care - under the guise I have PTSD and depression


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