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It’s time psychiatrists stopped stereotyping women with pD's – we can speak for ourselves

"I do not have a beast within me, as Peter Tyrer's new book cover implies, waiting to be tamed by an expert mental health professional. It is irresponsible, painful and stigmatising to evoke this image"

"Borderline personality disorder, sometimes flatteringly known as emotionally unstable personality disorder, is the most well-known personality disorder diagnosis. Seventy-five per cent of those diagnosed are female. It is a label often given to women who fail to meet society’s standards for appropriately expressing emotion – we are too intense and too angry. This is usually because those standards have failed to protect us from trauma and have not allowed us to speak about it. For many, that trauma was sexual abuse, domestic violence and/or marginalisation due to sexuality, gender identity, race, poverty, neurodivergence or any other marker of difference."

"Tyrer is not speaking for the people he aims to help – he is speaking over us. I want everyone to know that sometimes when people roar, it is not because they need to be tamed but because they need to be heard."

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