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“Shining lights in dark corners of people’s lives”

[Published November 2018, by multiple authors including British Psychological Society, the Centre for Mental Health, the Royal College of GPs and Mind]

"This diagnostic label should be helpful because it can act as a gateway for individuals to access the care they need. Unfortunately all too often it can be used as a reason to reject individuals from services. Most of us would rather not use the term at all. In writing this document, it has been hardest of all for us to get consensus on what words we should use to talk about the problems and difficulties people with this diagnostic label experience. We would like to abandon the term ‘personality disorder’ entirely. The label is controversial for good reasons: it is misleading, stigmatizing and masks the nature of the problem it is supposed to address, adding to the challenges which people experience. However, it has its advocates, not least among those for whom it has been the only passport to effective help."

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