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Why do we never talk about the harm that can be done by diagnosing someone with a mental illness?

"What if the use of the term “mental illness” is not only perpetuating the stigma and prejudice people face, but actually getting in the way of us understanding and responding to people’s experiences in an effective and humane way? To some, this might seem like a strange question to ask. After all, my diagnosis of diabetes has identified the source of a problem (my tiredness) and helped me access effective treatment. Yet, in the world of mental health, there is something about psychiatric diagnosis which can have a very different impact on individuals and society as a whole."


Note from PDV!: For those that end up with a diagnosis of a PD just for having issues too complex, for being in services for too long without improvement, like me, there is a huge need for a different perspective on a person's distress. While diagnosis can be helpful, there are many people who lie outside the definitive bounds that can be clearly marked by modern psychiatric diagnosis, and instead of acknowledging this and developing an alternative approach to those who need it, diagnosis like personality disorders and depression instead creep to cover that which they were never meant to describe. The potential of Open Dialogue, as I understand a tool pioneered by the Hearing Voices Movement, to look outside of an individual to what causes the distress and difficulties is impressive.

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